Rejection, discrimination, and disgust are not new for those human faces that are alienated from society. This society we live in is so bound in the rigidity of stereotypical norms and cultures that it does not take a single second to cast off those who cannot fulfill those standard criteria. The Third Sex or Transgender community is subjected to this absurdity.
Since their birth, they are alienated from society and are forced to justify their existence when no human is born with such an obligation. This concept of He and She has ruined the concept of the trans community. This marginalization not only threatens the existence of this community but also snatches the basic human rights from them.
This community faces humiliation at a different level and some are highlighted below.
Table of Contents
1: Repudiation of Rights:
This modern era proclaims the UN Charter of Equality but choose to remain silent when a hermaphrodite is exposed to inequality. Their exposure to politics and freedom is hindered. No proper education for this community is insured and even when they struggle like Hina Pathani to get an education, they get a backlash for normalizing their presence in this gender biased-society.
They have to face in-hospitality of the hospitals when these need hospitals the most, because of the changes they undergo. This community faces a certain level of poverty that is higher than other communities because of unemployment and unequal opportunities for success and eradication of this poverty. The only professions left for them are beggary and dancing. This discrimination and inequality of rights come from the state as the law silent at all this.
2: Alienated from Society:
Every transgender after birth faces the first rejection when their families start to contemplate the decision whether to keep them or to drop them on the streets. Many are disowned by their families and are forced to survive away from normal society. They are treated as something abnormal and hatred is inflicted upon them. Albeli, a transgender, was alienated from society and her family after birth without her being guilty of anything. This alienation has become a ritual in many countries like India and Pakistan. To alienate them saves their family from humiliation but in turn, exposes them to a whole new level of disgust and submission.
Humanity questions Why should this community be alienated from society? Just because society is not ready to accept someone who lies outside the societal definitions of a normal human being. This society vocalizing humanity is becoming inhumane.
3: Derisive Media:
The so-called trans-phobia that prevails in this society is propagated through media. Media portrays a certain kind of mockery for this community and that humiliation is beyond degradation. A particular number of derogating epithets are used by media like Khusra, hijra, chukka, and many others. All these titles are based upon patriarchal perceptions and are gender-biased to tease them.
These human faces are made of ashamed of something they are not responsible for. This humiliation paves a way for the sexual harassment this third sex faces. These people if not alienated from society, separate themselves to escape this degradation and humiliation. The state needs to take action against the unlawful use of force and extortion against transgenders.
This all has been made the fate of this community when in actual it is not. Society needs to overcome this pseudo phobia and accept this community as normal human beings. A certain amount of humanity is required rather than the apathy that prevails. This civil society needs to be civilized enough to show an acceptance not only on the paper level but pragmatically as well.